About Us

Why Choose Us

  • We only recommend boats we’ve been on. Our founder is a certified IYT International Bareboat Skipper and PADI Divemaster, so we guarantee safety and quality standards for every experience booked through us.

  • You won’t pay more than booking directly with our partners – this is an important one, we know!

  • We not only arrange memorable water hobby experiences, but we also try to be as helpful as we can to recommend worthwhile places during your visit – this differentiates us from bigger companies that won’t have time to do this!

  • We offer a sommelier advice service for wine and spirits free of charge to our customers, to make your yachting experience even more special! Once you’ve been a Sunsetways customer, you can keep using our sommelier advice service in Thailand for free.

About Sunsetways

We are a boutique yachting and scuba diving company providing customized water hobby experiences in Phuket, Thailand.

We are wanderlusters, curious explorers, eternal learners, relentless life enjoyers, and ocean lovers. During lockdowns in 2021, we discovered that spending time on boats – whether sailing, snorkeling, scuba diving, or just starting our days watching the sunrise in the middle of the sea – gave us much-needed mental rest, lots of vitamin D, and pure bliss.

We have an ambitious project that will incorporate different cities worldwide into our boat flotilla for the enjoyment of many more. But we started with Phuket, Thailand, where we fell in love with the stunning views of virgin islands, the marvels of the underwater world, and, of course, its sunsets.

About Our Founder

girl sailor

Hola! I’m Anita, a certified IYT International Bareboat Skipper and PADI Divemaster. I speak English, también español et un peu de français.

And I’m an ocean lover.

I created Sunsetways.com because I discovered the unparalleled joy of sailing and scuba diving too late in life, and I want to help others not make the same mistake.

I only partner with boats I’ve been on or companies I know to guarantee international safety and quality standards.

Do you love sunsets too? Then you’re one of us! Contact me at bookings@sunsetways.com to sail and dive Sunsetways.

Fair winds and following seas!